Geological Fund
By Order of the Minister of Geology and Subsoil Protection of the USSR as of December 24, 1957, a Provision was adopted on regional geological Funds under the USSR Ministry of Geology and Subsoil Protection.
Under the Order, all the geological research materials had to be collected in the storage facilities of national and regional geological funds of the Ministry and Geology Administrations of the Soviet republics.
The accumulation of geological materials in the geological funds had been based on the “Provision on the Soviet Geological Fund” and “Provision on the Regional Geological Funds” approved by the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, under the Decree No 834 of the USSR Council of Ministers dated 24 October 1968. №834.
The objectives of Regional Geological Fund (now Kyrgyz State Geological Fund – KSGF) comprise implementation of recording and analysis of the results of all geological works produced in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, state registration of these works, registration of occurrences and deposits, collection and centralized storage of geological materials.
KSGF is also authorised for recording of all geological, geological surveying, prospecting, exploration, hydrogeological, geotechnical, geophysical and related research works carried out in the country by all the exploration, mining, research and design as well as other organizations. Registry of the operations.
Registration for all types of geological works carried out in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic by all organizations, regardless of departmental affiliation, and providing them with certificates of registration allowing the entities to apply for funding of geological works by the banks.

The duties of the Kyrgyz State Geological Fund include:
- recording of all deposits and occurrences of commercial minerals and natural groundwater identified in the territory of the Republic;
- recording of the drillholes, wells and mine workings, intersecting subterranean water,
- filing of materials accounting for the movement of reserves and mining of mineral raw materials,
- collection, filing and archiving of geological reports and other geological materials related to all types of work carried out in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- management of geological materials use by concerned agencies, enterprises and institutions.
Kyrgyz State Geological Fund compiles inventories of mineral deposits and occurrences, groundwater inventories, geological, geophysical, hydrogeological maps basing on studying, processing and generalisation of materials submitted by companies.
The materials collected in the Kyrgyz State Geological Fund date back to1889. Currently there are 13,314 reports in the fund (25,453 items), 2,183 passport inventories of deposits and occurrences, and other reference material.
The collected materials are issued for studying, they are being scanned, restored and kept for future generations. The geological mainland accrued is truly priceless.